Share life with
Abba, your Heavenly Father!
Welcome! We’re thrilled that you’ve decided to use the Life With Abba app to help you share YOUR life with YOUR heavenly Father.
Most of us these days use social media apps to help us share our lives with friends and family. And that’s kinda how we want you to think and categorize Life With Abba. That is, as a social media app, but with a twist.
Get Social
Social media helps you share life digitally with others. The Life With Abba app helps you share life digitally with Abba, your Heavenly Father!
Go Deeper
By sharing daily experiences, verses, prayers, mood, and thoughts with Abba, it’s our hope and prayer that this will contribute to a closer, deeper relationship with Him!
Have Faith
While others won’t see your content, we believe Abba will engage your heart and mind as you use the Life With Abba app to socialize with Him.
Go ahead, open the app and start sharing your Life With Abba, social media style!